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Dallas Morning News: How public charter schools are plotting the course toward closing Texas’ hidden achievement gaps
It wasn’t until a Texan took action that the United States began to seriously grapple with inequity in education. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, called for a landmark study “concerning the lack of availability of equal...

Chalkbeat: We need school leaders who reflect the students they serve
Most educators can pinpoint a moment in their lives when they realize what impact they want to make on their students’ lives. Many take inspiration from Nelson Mandela, who once said, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Those...

KTRK-HOU: 100 families surprised with free laptop, year of internet service

TELEMUNDO: 100 familias reciben apoyo tecnológico de Comcast y Telemundo

UNIVISION: Organizaciones en Houston redoblan esfuerzos por ayudar con alimentos a los afectados por la pandemia

Houston Chronicle: Children At Risk rankings: Consistency rewarded in school grades amid pandemic
Middle school math teacher Mario Hernandez knows that no child will emerge academically unscathed from the coronavirus pandemic. But if any group of children is well positioned to ride out the effects, Hernandez believes it’s the 500 students at Amigos Por Vida -...

Houston Defender: Houston public charter school first graders tour HBCU virtually
On Friday, Oct. 16, Bloom Academy, a high-performing Houston public charter school serving 100 percent Black and brown students, hosted a college tour at Howard University, an HBCU, for 24 first grade students to provide early exposure to college.
Chalkbeat: Big city charter schools take reopening slow, hitting similar roadblocks as neighboring districts
Success Academy charter schools serve 20,000 New York City students. None are expected to return to school buildings in 2020.
FOX26: Kipp Academy offers free meals, help with voter registration
Groups like Kipp Academy are helping Houstonians register to vote.

THE 74: A Teacher’s View: 2020 Can Be an Opportunity for Us to Hone Our Craft and Become Better Educators. We Must Not Waste It
In just a few short months, my city of Houston has experienced massive challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. Confirmed coronavirus cases total more than 130,000, and our hospitals are at capacity. The hardest-hit neighborhoods have been our...
KPRC 2 Houston: Southwest Houston public charter school leader shares keys to a successful remote learning experience
HOUSTON – The Etoile Academy Charter School in southwest Houston hosted two weeks of teacher training before starting the semester with remote learning on Monday. The school’s founder and superintendent, Kaleigh Colombero, says the key to success is communication with...

Houston Chronicle: Houston area charter schools maintain high expectations despite coronavirus-caused challenges
Houston’s public charter schools are opening their virtual doors for their 2020-2021 school year, despite the obstacles created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Public charter schools in the Greater Houston area serve more than 69,000 students with more than 38,000 living...
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